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  • Are you a school which teaches one or more complementary therapies?

  • Do you want the support of a recognised well-respected umbrella organisation?

  • Does your school want to be part of a bigger voice in CAM?

  • Do you offer a high standard of training by qualified teachers?

  • Do you offer full training to practitioner level?

  • Do your graduates want to be registered with the BCMA with the benefits that are offered?


If you answered yes to all the questions above then we would like to offer you BCMA membership!

BCMA membership includes:


  • a seat on the BCMA Council (independent school only)

  • website listings for you and your courses,

  • access to CAM news and information,

  • discounted insurance

  • promotion of your courses on our Facebook page (on request)


All for as little as £70 per year!


You will also benefit from our representatives at the various parliamentary groups for healthcare and access to our documentation.

We have two categories of school membership


Affiliated school  

For those schools who join through one of our member associations   

For Affiliated membership download the following forms -

Application form, sponsor form and website listing form

Independent school

For those schools who are not affiliated to one of our associations.

Open to any school teaching a recognised therapy to full practitioner level, employing qualified teachers.

(workshops and correspondence courses are not accepted as full training) 

Download the following forms -

Criteria for membership, Application form, Council rep. form and website listing form and read the documents on our membership documents page.


For all website listings, you will also be asked to supply a logo for us to use on your listing see our schools page for the format of listings.

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