Practitioners in the Devon area
listed by area in postcode order

Devon Exeter EX1
Frances Noble
Member of the Association of Physical and Natural Therapists
Tel: 01392 682557
Frances's Therapies: Sports Injuries & Massage, Pilates, Instructor, NLP Practitioner

Devon Exeter EX1
Vivienne Oldfield
Member of the BCMA Bodywork Affiliates Register
Tel: 07425 156970
Vivienne's Therapies: Therapeutic Massage

Devon Exeter EX1
Katie Statton
Member of the BCMA Bodywork Affiliates Register
Graduate of the School of Bodywork
Tel: 07751 812824
Katie's Therapies: Swedish Massage

Devon EX2
Emma Cayless
Member of the BCMA Bodywork Affiliates Register
Tel: 07971 101332
Emma's Therapies: Holistic Massage; Thai Massage

Devon EX2
Isobel Ravden
Member of the Association of Physical and Natural Therapists
Tel: 07731 546609
Isobel's Therapies: Swedish Massage; Remedial Massage; Sports Injuries & Massage

Devon EX2
Louise Jocelyn
Member of the Association of Physical and Natural Therapists
Tel: 07400 557335
Louise's Therapies: Swedish Massage; Thai Massage; Thai Foot Reflexology Massage; Yoga Teacher

Devon EX2
Aaron Goodwin
Member of the Association of Physical and Natural Therapists
Tel: 07745 665586
Aaron's Therapies: Myofascial Release, Tai Chi Instructor.

Devon Exeter EX2
Steven Sear-Williams
Member of the BCMA Bodywork Affiliates Register
Tel: 07528 674795
Steven's Therapies: Biodynamic Craniosacral therapy

Jacqeline's Therapies: Advanced Reflexology

Devon EX3
Rachel Hucker
Member of the BCMA Bodywork Affiliates Register
Tel: 07767 810359
Rachel's Therapies: Swedish Massage

Devon Exeter EX4
Lorna Wagstaff-Hall
Member of the BCMA Bodywork Affiliates Register
Tel: 01392 421418
Lorna's Therapies: Swedish Massage, Rejuvenating Facelift Massage

Devon Exeter EX4
Patricia Howe
Member of the BCMA Bodywork Affiliates Register
Tel: 07930 258747
Patricia's Therapies: Crystal & Gem Therapy, Healthy Eating Advice, Movement and Exercise for Pregnancy, Personal Fitness Trainer, Postnatal Exercise, Remedial Massage, Swedish Massage

Devon Exeter EX4
Steven Sear-Williams
Member of the BCMA Bodywork Affiliates Register
Tel: 07528 674795
Steven's Therapies: Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

Ali's Therapies: ​ Kinesiology, Therapeutic Counselling, Kinesiology Teacher (Foundation & Professional Levels)

Fiona's Therapies: ​ Reiki, Aromatherapy, Dowsing, Psychotherapy/Hypnotherapy, Crystal Bowls Sound Therapy

Devon Exeter EX4
Adam Kocinski
Member of the BCMA Bodywork Affiliates Register
Graduate of the School of Bodywork
Tel: 07514 357846
Adam's Therapies: Therapeutic Massage, Indian Head Massage, Thai Table Massage, Remedial Massage.
Devon Exeter EX4
Michelle Hollox
Member of the BCMA Bodywork Affiliates Register
Tel: 07947 757239
Michelle's Therapies: Swedish massage; Integrated Myofascial Release Techniques; Sharon Wheeler’s ScarWork & Deep Tissue Massage

Devon Exeter EX5
Katy Louise Brown
Member of the BCMA Bodywork Affiliates Register
Tel: 07792 608975
Katy's Therapies: Sweedish Massage, Remedial Massage

Devon Exeter EX5
Danielle Mitchell
Member of the Association of Physical and Natural Therapists
Tel: 07590 689887
Danielle's Therapies: Bowen Therapy

Devon Exeter EX6
Lisa Ware
Member of the BCMA Bodywork Affiliates Register
Tel: 01647 24654 & 07572 861380 (Text only)
Lisa's Therapies: Swedish Massage; Remedial Massage; Indian Head Massage, Integrated Myofascial Release

Devon Exmouth EX8
Albie McMahon
Member of the BCMA Bodywork Affiliates Register
Tel: 01395 224 207
Albie's Therapies: Swedish Massage

Devon Exmouth EX8
Xenia Berndt
BCMA Registered Affiliate
Through the Creative Kinesiology School
Tel : 07748 614961
Xenia's Therapies: Creative Kinesiology, Astrology,
Movement Medicine

Devon Exmouth EX8
Wendy Herriot
Member of the BCMA Bodywork Affiliates Register
Tel: 07715 410702
Wendy's Therapies: Deep Tissue Massage, Face Lift Massage, Indian Head Massage, Myofascial Release, Scar Tissue Release Therapy, Swedish Massage

Devon Exmouth EX9
Nathalie Franks
Member of the BCMA Bodywork Affiliates Register
Tel: 07779 333361
Nathalie's Therapies: ​ Remedial Massage, Swedish Massage, Hot Stones Massage, Myofascial Release

Devon Budleigh Salterton EX9
Maria Ebdy Conibere
Member of the BCMA Bodywork Affiliates Register
Tel: 01395 741391 or 07939 379254
Maria's Therapies: ​ Swedish Massage, Remedial Massage, Indian Head Massage, Sports Massage, Myofascial Release, Reik, Reflexology, Body Wraps.

Devon Sidmouth EX10 & EX14
Helen Watts
Member of the Association of Physical and Natural Therapists
Tel: 07890 545936
Helen's Therapies: ​ Swedish Massage; Seated Acupressure Massage; Remedial Massage; Reiki (L3); Sports Injuries & Massage; Myofascial Release

Tracey's Therapies: Advanced MFR, Remedal Masssage, Swedish Massage, Hot Stone Massage
Devon EX11
Tracey Paddon
Member of the BCMA Bodywork Affiliates Register
Tel: 07813 589684

Devon Axminster EX13
Sam Manning
Member of the BCMA Bodywork Affiliates Register
Tel: 07732 455370
Sam's Therapies: Advanced Bodywork Techniques, Myofascial Release, Reiki, Seichem, Swedish Massage

Devon EX14
Charlotte McKechnie
Member of the Association of Physical and Natural Therapists
Tel: 07775 603309
Charlotte's Therapies: Swedish Massage; Indian Head Massage; Pregnancy Massage

Deirdre's Therapies: Reiki Master, Swedish Massage; Indian Head Massage; Eastern Face Lift Massage
Devon EX14
Deirdre Richards
Member of the Association of Physical and Natural Therapists
Tel: 075400 47482

Liv's Therapies: Therapeutic Massage
Devon EX14
Liv Frances (Olivia Boland)
Member of the BCMA Bodywork Affiliates Register
Tel: 07708 942295

Mid Devon Tiverton EX16
Rosie Penhaligan
Member of the BCMA Bodywork Affiliates Register
Tel: 07377 949478
Rosie's Therapies: Swedish Massage

Louise's Therapies: Swedish Massage, Life Coaching
Devon Crediton EX17
Louise Webb
Member of the Association of Physical and Natural Therapists
Tel: 07929 828705

Sarah-Jane's Therapies: Kinesiology
Devon Crediton EX17
Sarah-Jane Hayden-Binder
BCMA Registered Affiliate
Teacher at the Creative Kinesiology School
Tel: 07812 400634

Zara's Therapies: Kinesiology, Crystal Healing
Devon Crediton EX17
Zara Rogers
Member of the Creative Kinesiology Association
Tel: 07866 627432

Carol's Therapies: Creative Kinesiology, Natural Nutrition Therapy, Nutrition Advice

Emma's Therapies: Remedial Massage; Swedish Massage; Indian Head Massage
Devon Holsworthy EX21
Emma J Barnes
Member of the BCMA Bodywork Affiliates Register
Tel: 07852 785670

Julie's Therapies: Bowen Technique, Deep Oscillation Therapy, Equine Bowen, Neuro-Structural Integration Technique, Oncology Training, Scarwork, TMJ Therapy
Devon Plymouth PL3
Julie Makarewicz
Member of the BCMA Bodywork Affiliates Register
Tel: 07544 844870

Lamenda's Therapies: Energy Healing, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Life Coaching, Massage, Indian Head Massage, Reflexology
Devon Plymouth PL6
Lamenda Kingdon
Member of the Foundation for Integrated Energy Healing
Tel: 01752 266292

Helen's Therapies: Swedish Massage; Sports Massage; Massage in Pregnancy & Post Partum; Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage; Baby Massage Teacher; Kinesiology & Kinesiology Taping; Ultrasound Therapy
Devon Plymouth PL6
Helen Ward
Member of the Association of Physical and Natural Therapists
Tel: 07828 768684

Thea's Therapies: Swedish Massage
Devon Plymouth PL21
Thea Henderson
Member of the Association of Physical and Natural Therapists
Tel: 01752 896711

Sally's Therapies: Swedish Massage; Indian Head Massage;
Devon Torquay TQ1
Sally Wrigley
Member of the Association of Physical and Natural Therapists
Tel: 07763 193858

Clare's Therapies: Swedish Massage; Indian Head Massage;
Devon Paignton TQ3
Clare Smerdon
Member of the Association of Physical and Natural Therapists
Tel: 07853 950857

Stacey's Therapies: Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Hot Stones Massage, Indian Head Massage.
Devon Paignton TQ3
Stacey Lowe
Member of the Association of Physical and Natural Therapists
Tel: 07888 899006

Estelle's Therapies: Swedish Massage
Devon Brixham TQ5
Estelle Diane Judd
Member of the BCMA Bodywork Affiliates Register
Tel: 07948 429987

Penny's Therapies: Kinesiology, Drama Therapy, Counselling, Indian Head Massage, Yoga, Supervision, Reiki Master
Devon Kingsbridge TQ7
Penny McFarlane
BCMA Registered Affiliate
Through the Creative Kinesiology School
Tel: 07922 173343

Fleur's Therapies: Creative Kinesiology
Devon Salcombe TQ8
Fleur Brodie
Member of the Creative Kinesiology Association
Tel: 01548 843197

Karen's Therapies: Kinesiology, Reiki

Sarah's Therapies: Holistic Massage; Integrated Myofascial Release, Scarwork, Massage in Pregnancy, Aromatherapy
Devon Totnes TQ9
Sarah Ingham
Member of the BCMA Bodywork Affiliates Register
Tel: 07810 127387

Marc's Therapies: Homeopathy, Energy Healing
Devon Totnes TQ9
Marc Blausten
Member of the Foundation for Integrated Energy Healing
Tel: 0333 433 0454 or 07741 315619

Caroline's Therapies: Creative Kinesiology, Aromatherapy Massage, Reflexology & Colour Reflexology, Crystal Therapy, Hopi Ear Candles, Indian Head Massage, Reiki Master
Devon Stoke Gabriel TQ9
Caroline Ridge
Member of the Creative Kinesiology Association
Tel: 01803 782574

Devon Newton Abbot TQ13
Nikki Collins
Member of the Association of Physical and Natural Therapist
Tel: 07805 773456
Nikki's Therapies: ​ Swedish Massage

Devon Newton Abbot TQ13
Louise Reynolds
Member of the Association of Physical and Natural Therapist
Tel: 07806 425552
Louise's Therapies: ​ Swedish Massage, Indian Head Massage.

Devon Ashburton TQ13
Bridie Swindell
Member of the BCMA Bodywork Affiliates Register
Tel: 07462 243828
Bridie's Therapies: ​ Sweedish Massage, Remedial Massage.

Rachel's Therapies: Swedish Massage, Rejuvenating Facelift Massage, Pregnancy Massage, Deep Tissue & Advanced Techniques Massage, Rebounding
Devon Teignmouth TQ14
Rachel Pebworth
Member of the BCMA Bodywork Affiliates Register
Tel: 07307 176431