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BCMA Continuing Professional Development.



Most professional bodies are currently re-thinking their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Programmes.    Along with them, the BCMA has explored the subject, using as a guide a major national research and development project supported by the Department of Health and the template devised by one of our member associations.  Following these guidelines, we have attempted to be ‘open’ and ‘fluid’ in our thinking. We want you to enjoy your annual CPD activities and review process as we believe being a well-rounded professional relies as much on your daily activities as the more formal training you engage in.


It may be that in some years members are more involved in the CPD process than other years but as it is a lifelong journey it is our view is that each activity will add its own valuable contribution to your working life.


This new more ‘holistic’ approach, now being practised by many Complementary and mainstream health practitioners, will give a better opportunity to think about ourselves as individuals; choose and reflect upon our work and give us a respected professional position in the wider world.

Most importantly, it gives value to each member’s situation –  how we learn – who we are – what we are able to engage in from year to year – what our financial state is when we look at training possibilities – whether we are geographically isolated and unable to travel easily to places for learning development and so on. Choice of activity for some will be more restricted than for others for whatever reason.  It is important therefore to reflect this in the BCMA Professional Development Programme.



The position of the BCMA is that it is your right to choose your own training course or development programme.



The way it works.


For each year of membership of your association the requirement will be to choose activities from at least 2 categories and fulfil a minimum of 20 hours. The requirement, in subsequent years will also be 20 hrs, but may be reviewed as therapies become more formally regulated.


For instance your annual requirement may look like this:-


Category 1.     5 evening lectures.  2 hours each evening.          Total of 10 hours.


Category 6.     8 supervision sessions. One and a qtr hrs.each    Total of 10 hours.


                                                                                                     20 hours.


(see an example of this in the attached Planning Sheet and Activity Review Sheet).


If you do not make up the required number of hours with 2 categories, simply choose another one to make up any shortfall.


Every 3 years you are required to refresh/update your core skills or develop them further in some way.  Some of you may choose to do more than this minimum requirement either because you live within easy access of available training courses or have set up an arrangement where you and your colleagues meet for the sharing of professional skills and knowledge.  Some of you may live in more isolated areas where these arrangements are difficult and expanding your knowledge-base may need you to plan and make special arrangements more formally every 3 years on courses some distance away.


Make your own Portfolio File so that you can keep your notes, dates of training, periods of study in one place. 


We would encourage you not to repeat the same sorts of activities in the following year i.e. if you have done some research one year, do something else the following year so that you don’t always choose cognitive ways of learning as against experiential.   Members who teach or who give their time to committee work should choose other activities to cover some of their requirement.


An example of a Planning Sheet to help you identify your learning and development needs is included below 


More about the Portfolio, Planning Sheet and Individual Activity Record.


The Portfolio.


The Portfolio is your ongoing CPD record.  It will help you record activities as and when you engage in them and assist you in identifying your learning needs and support. You will be able to see your own development as the years go on.   As CPD will become a necessity for belonging to any health-related organisation your portfolio may need to be seen occasionally by the BCMA, as well as your association. If it is called in, it will need to be up-to-date.  It is important therefore that you become familiar with the requirements of CPD for your professional life and make proper provision for it.


Activity Record Sheet.


Here is an Individual Activity Record Sheet.  This may be helpful in its present form for you to use or you may wish to amend it in some way.  If you photocopy a number of sheets and keep them in your portfolio you will be able to record and remember everything you have done over the year(s).  Use continuation sheets when needed.


Planning Sheet.


It is important to identify areas where you could develop your knowledge or skill to benefit your practice/clients/patients.


For example you may have bought a computer but not have developed useful ways of using it for record-keeping or accounts.  So you may make a record using the form:-


Objective one.     Find a course locally that would teach me to use my computer more effectively for my practice.


Objective two.      Go to see another practitioner’s use of the computer.


Objective three.   Find a person locally who is computer literate who will help me get started and then give ongoing support.


Again you may wish to photocopy a few of these planning sheets to keep in your file.



BCMA - Continuing Professional Development – Categories.


Activities from 2 categories at least should be chosen taking at least 20 hours  over any one year.


These activities are for guidance and are not set in stone.   If you have participated in something, which has been of value to you, please let us know.


Category 1.  Short courses on professional issues.


e.g.  Courses undertaken in areas of special interest relevant to your work or expanding your way of thinking, or deepening your understanding of a related subject.  Could be evening talks, one-day event or a weekend.



Category 2.   Seminars, Conferences, Annual General Meetings.


e.g.  BCMA AGM/Conference.   Other conferences organised locally, nationally, internationally.

Health Show.


Category 3.   Study for further qualifications.


e.g. Advanced Diploma Courses.  Certificated courses.



Category 4.   Encouraging the development of others.


e.g. Running a workshop.  Giving a talk at a conference.   Writing a book review.

Writing an article.   Organising a peer group for sharing/discussion.   Giving some time to listen to another practitioner who may have a difficulty.  Producing a newsletter. 



Category 5.   Active Committee work for a professional body related to your work.


e.g.  Being a secretary.   Being on a working party.   Helping at a conference.



Category  6.  Personal/Professional Development.


Personal therapy, (psychotherapy, counselling, physical therapy).       Time and space given for personal reflection – this needs to be properly documented.     Talking with another professional to gain some insight – this needs proper documentation.     Having supervision.     Doing a piece of study/reading for personal insight.  Attending a sports event and offering massage.   Giving a talk/presentation at a sports club or the W.I. etc. about your work.



Category 7. Journals and I.T.


Reading professional journals.  Use of internet to access professional information related to work/clients.  Doing a piece of research.  Watching a video/film for educational purposes relevant to  professional life.  Using library facilities for the development of learning.   Learning computer use. Making a website.


Category 8. Formal Training


Where a formal training course in excess of 50hrs has been taken in a year, a member may make a written request to the CPD coordinator for a variation in the subsequent year’s CPD requirement, in terms of time and appropriate activities to maintain compliance with the requirements. Any variation agreed shall be in writing and at the discretion of the CPD coordinator and/or Executive committee of the association.



BCMA – Continuing Professional Development. What you should do now.



  1. Complete details of your Activities on an Activity Review Sheet.

  2. Keep proof of attendance at day seminars, training courses etc.

  3. Document and keep for your portfolio, other activities by describing your meditative practice, discussion with another professional, journal reading, library work etc.

  4. If you cannot find your activity on the list and are not sure whether it covers your annual CPD requirement, contact your association CPD Co-ordinator, or the BCMA CPD consultant.

  5. Discuss your CPD annual requirement with another professional and ask them to sign your form. It could be your supervisor, tutor, a therapist who works in your clinic, a Therapist friend. 

  6. Photocopy anything you need to keep for reference and put in Portfolio.

  7. Send the forms with any other information required to your association or to the BCMA if you are a Bodywork Affiliate.


Remember your CPD submission or potrfolio may be “CALLED IN” for inspection by the BCMA.


CPD Planning Sheet EXAMPLE


Name:         ______________________________________


Membership Number:    ___________________________                         


CPD for Year Ending:     ___________________________


Time Period





Review my current position and identify areas for further work/development


Create a plan with my aims and objectives


Identify learning and support needs


Create a realistic timetable



Review in 1 month / 2 months / 3 months / 4 months …………………………………………………………  (make note of date in diary)


How am I doing? ……………………………………….................................................................................................................................


Do I need some support? ……………………………..................................................................................................................................


Who could I contact? ………………………………………….......................................................................................................................



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